5 Tips for Coping with Infertility over the Holidays
The holidays – the time of year filled with cheer, shopping, cooking, and loved ones. Yet for those struggling with infertility, this season also brings a hyper-focus on the everyday reminders of family. While surrounding yourself with the spirit of the holidays, it is important to take care of yourself at the same time.
Here are some tips to help you tackle the holiday blues when you are trying to conceive.
Tip #1 – Honour your feelings
A fertility journey is full of emotions. It is important to identify your feelings and what is causing you to feel that way. It is okay to take time to cry and express your sadness because holding your feelings inside can take more mental energy than releasing them.
You should give yourself permission to feel whatever emotions are present and try to accept that this is exactly the place where you need to be. We understand that what you are going through can be stressful and unsettling.
Tip #2 – Give to those in need
The holiday season is a time of year to spread some cheer to others in your community!
Here’s what you can do:
???? Donate online where applicable
???? Give to your local food bank
???? Donate items to a charity
???? Volunteer where it’s safe to do so
???? Connect with a friend
Bringing a smile to the faces of others can have a gratifying effect during this holiday season. ????
Tip #3 – Give yourself permission to say “no”:
You may not feel comfortable around babies, children, and pregnant women this holiday season, and this is perfectly okay. You may not want to field questions about your own fertility; therefore, enlist a partner or a friend to stay by your side to help navigate painful conversations, and to provide support. Anticipate questions about your plans to prevent being caught off guard. You do not have to disclose all the details, and having a rehearsed answer eases the discomfort of these exchanges.
Tip #4 – Find inspiration in a holiday theme:
Create personal meaning that you and your partner can find to help lift your spirits and comfort you both in your struggle with infertility.
To keep busy, you could participate in activities like:
???? Decorating a tree
???? Cooking together
???? Watching a movie
???? Walking/ hiking
Enjoying your time together and creating a new tradition along the way is important! We are thinking of you no matter what situation you are dealing with in life or infertility and wish for you to never lose hope.
Tip #5 – Seek Childfree Forms of Celebration:
The winter holidays present an ever-lengthening stretch, bookended by Thanksgiving and New Year, and coupled with shorter days and colder weather. For those trying to conceive, it is difficult and you may think ‘tis hardly the season to be jolly.’
Plan some fun activities for you and your partner like micro adventures to a local market or hiking on a sunny day. Celebrate and explore something new together. ????
Talk with others about your feelings and/or reach out to a professional for fertility support. Tripod Fertility specialists and staff members are specially trained to help manage the challenges that come with navigating your infertility.
Overwhelmed? Don’t be. You likely have many unanswered questions and Tripod Fertility is here to help. Contact us today.